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RoyaltyRange director Kris has attended UK-Indian Innovation and Investments Summit in London

June 15, 2019

RoyaltyRange director Kris has attended UK-Indian Innovation and Investments Summit in London.

Selected investors, corporates and high-growth tech companies were invited to this event to discuss the technology and investment opportunities in UK/Europe and India.

India is all-set to become to third largest economy in the world in the next decade. Technology is disrupting every Industry and will drive the next $100 trillion opportunity. Venture Capital and Private Equity asset class will play a key role in deriving value. London ranks one of the top-ranked ecosystems in the world.

RoyaltyRange director Kris has attended UK-Indian Innovation and Investments Summit in London
RoyaltyRange director Kris has attended UK-Indian Innovation and Investments Summit in London

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